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Steve Rosen
Your search found: 105 results.

Author aims to provide teens with usable financial skills
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Chad Foster has played on the professional tennis circuit. He has hosted ESPN's "Fly Fishing America." And he is credited with creating the soft-rubber playground surfaces for McDonald's restaurants. His latest passion? Financial education for...
Jan/9/2006 6:55 AM

Ten ways to make 2006 a rewarding year for youngsters
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People often assume that because of my job, my three kids are a finely tuned, well-oiled machine when it comes to money management. Actually, I've had my ups and downs in teaching them to handle finances responsibly. A few successes, a few failures....
Dec/30/2005 2:52 PM

You're guaranteed to be teed off if you don't understand warranties
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It's undoubtedly one of the most common questions parents face after the kids have torn open their holiday presents. No, it's not "Where are the batteries?" I'm thinking about, but "Why won't this toy work like it's supposed to?" After spending...
Dec/23/2005 2:47 PM

Text message: Save by shopping for books online
News Service

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Your college kids just pulled all-nighters during finals week and are fleeing campus for the holidays. But before they get caught up on sleep, head out for last-minute shopping and reunite with friends during semester break, you need to squeeze one...
Dec/19/2005 12:16 PM

Helping your kids get smart about money may be the best gift
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Your kids have all the usual and customary presents itemized and prioritized on their wish lists. Action figures. Check Dolls. Check. Cell phones, video games and iPods. Check, check and check. Anything missing? How about gifts that teach your...
Dec/12/2005 2:49 PM

Grandparents buy easy-to-find gifts that teach financial lessons
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Grandparents have weighed in. My recent column that urged grandparents not to go overboard on holiday gifts for the grandchildren unleashed some powerful feelings and ideas from readers. Many shared sensible holiday gift-giving strategies, including.
Dec/5/2005 12:35 PM

Teach tolerance when size of donation seems small
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Your child's eyes light up as someone stuffs a $20 bill into the red Salvation Army kettle. Then come sidewalk encounters of a different kind: a passerby who drops only a few coins into the pot and another who looks the other way when approaching the..
Nov/28/2005 1:33 PM

Software-based program could be a valuable teaching tool
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Mikel Miller has taken a worthy stand on a hot issue involving Kansas schoolchildren. No, it has nothing to do with the debate over evolution in the state's high school science curriculum, which has generated a national firestorm among scientists,...
Nov/21/2005 6:07 AM

Spoiling for a fight at gift time
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There's something unsettling about writing a column that draws criticism from my own mother. That was four years ago. Today, I will tempt fate again. What stirred things up the first time? A holiday season column on grandparents who overindulge the...
Nov/14/2005 6:51 AM

Having it their way: Customization is key to kids' consumer choices
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Kids like iPods so they can customize their music. Individualized ring tones on their cell phones are a must, and they embrace the freedom of instant messaging online in their own language and style. Call it the "have it your way" generation. Call it.
Nov/7/2005 12:41 PM


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