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Mitch Albom
Your search found: 223 results.

Fighting over the pledge is waste of time
News Service

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The debate over the Pledge of Allegiance seems to be about everything except the Pledge of Allegiance. The actual pledge, let's face it, is recited by children, mumbled by teen-agers and forgotten by adults. Few people know its history. You ask the...
Mar/29/2004 10:59 AM

War in Iraq divides nation like Vietnam
News Service

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The war in Iraq, which began one year ago, was a rousing success, a stunning victory, the toppling of a brutal dictator and a bull's-eye blow to terrorism - or it wasn't. Depends on whom you believe. The war in Iraq was a lie, a misleading...
Mar/22/2004 9:48 AM

Hockey could stop fighting in a heartbeat
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There's this line in the movie ``Reds'' in which an old woman offers this philosophy: ``Men like war. If they didn't, they would have stopped it years ago.'' The same can be said about hockey violence. It doesn't just happen when you step on ice. It,.
Mar/15/2004 9:53 AM

Downsizing our food isn't the answer
News Service

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You know White Castle, right? The hamburger place? Sells those good, greasy ``sliders,'' which are really mini-burgers, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand? Does anyone eat just one of those? No. People buy four. Six. Twelve. Whatever. They...
Mar/8/2004 9:56 AM

`Rings' casts spell and turns him into geek
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And I am now a geek. So this is what it feels like. I never thought as a geek before. I never embraced geekdom. But I cannot deny it. Sunday night, during the Academy Awards, while others rooted for serious dramatic fare - serial killers, abuse...
Mar/1/2004 9:44 AM

The son must refute father's hateful rants
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My sister married a wonderful guy. His father was a Hungarian Jew. During World War II, he and his eight brothers and sisters were imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps. Some were killed in gas chambers. Others were put on a boat that was deliberately...
Feb/23/2004 10:26 AM

There's more to marriage than a license
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Last week, a group of Michigan lawmakers, hoping to stem the alarming divorce rate, proposed a law: couples would have to undergo four hours of pre-marital counseling. If they refused, they would have to wait 27 days for a marriage license, instead of...
Feb/16/2004 10:22 AM

The music must matter, not the hype
News Service

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I still remember the girls screaming. Because I was only a kid, it really didn't faze me. I didn't know what songs the Beatles were singing anyhow. To me, they were just these guys on Ed Sullivan on our black-and-white television, guys with long hair...
Feb/9/2004 6:12 AM

Our country depends on your answer
News Service

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Shrugging is not an option. You can blame the CIA and demand an investigation or you can blame President Bush and demand his accountability. But you cannot shrug. You cannot walk away. You cannot say, "Oops." Not unless you're the kind of person who...
Feb/2/2004 10:42 AM

Why no team will respect this column
News Service

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It is just about time for the Super Bowl, where two football teams will travel to a warm-weather city, and one will inevitably complain that it is not receiving enough of what it truly deserves, that being, of course, strip clubs. No, wait. That's a...
Jan/26/2004 11:53 AM


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