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Mitch Albom
Your search found: 222 results.

Treasure our freedom to ask questions
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He might be dead. That doesn't stop people from laughing at him. His name is Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf, also known as the Iraqi information minister. He is the least likely pop star to emerge from the war. He is Saddam Hussein's mouthpiece who,...
Apr/21/2003 9:54 AM

The lunacy of misguided patriotism
News Service

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There aren't many great movies about sports but there is one about baseball and it's called "Bull Durham." It was made in 1988 and people today still swear by it. It was funny and warm and acerbic and crazy, much like the game itself. So beloved is...
Apr/14/2003 9:38 AM

He can never really leave Iraq behind
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Dr. Gazi George lives in Michigan. You might run into him at the supermarket or the shopping mall. He might be standing around when you and your friends discuss the war in Iraq. But he would have his own thoughts. He would be thinking about the time..
Apr/7/2003 9:56 AM

Nobody roots for Goliath, so we're the bully
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America is the big guy. Iraq is the small guy. Because of that, no matter what we do, certain perceptions will never change. So even though America, the big guy, has an army of volunteers, while Iraq, the small guy, pulls men from their homes and...
Mar/31/2003 6:07 AM

War coverage did not start with cable TV
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Like most Americans, I have been glued to my TV, watching the war in Iraq. My channel of choice has been CNN. After a while, I began to notice a name I hadn't heard before: Walter Rodgers. There it was again. Walter Rodgers. I wondered whether this was.
Mar/24/2003 10:32 AM

French lesson: It's politicians, not the people
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Here is what I think about France: I am in high school. My parents have a surprise. I have never been to Europe before. I get a passport. I board a plane. I speak to a cabdriver, for the first time, in a foreign language. I see the Eiffel Tower, at...
Mar/17/2003 9:50 AM

Clinton vs. Dole: Too tame for TV?
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Sunday night on "60 Minutes," history was made. An ex-president, Bill Clinton, and his old rival, ex-Sen. Bob Dole, began a stint as point-counterpoint debaters. Andy Warhol got it wrong. It's not fame everyone will have in the future; it's a chance to.
Mar/10/2003 10:03 AM

A wrong time to show off all her rights
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There should be no debate on this: Toni Smith, a college basketball player, has the right to turn her back on the flag. She has the right to protest during the national anthem. She has the right to disagree with President George W. Bush's plans for war.
Mar/3/2003 6:08 AM

How do I love thee? Anyway but on TV!
News Service

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I finally figured out the appeal of Trista Rehn, a.k.a. "The Bachelorette." She's a guy. Oh, I don't mean physically. I mean the way she plays the game. First, she gets the ultimate guy fantasy - a couple of dozen cuties all trying to win her...
Feb/24/2003 6:06 AM

Winning war won't be our hardest task
News Service

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Try to imagine America defeated by a foreign power - Russia, let's say - and then Russia assigning one of its generals to run the United States, "just for a while." "Just for a while" meaning two to 10 years. Your child grows up with a Russian...
Feb/17/2003 6:02 AM


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