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Mitch Albom
Your search found: 222 results.

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re ALBOM-COLUMN:DE (Mitch Albom, DE) - ``Tuesdays With Mitch'' column will not move this week. --- (c) 2002, Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services. Not for publication or retransmission without permission of...
Dec/2/2002 2:00 PM

Sentimentality onstage can be wonderful life
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There was a night when the bed hit a panel. That was funny. It was supposed to roll onstage, where a young actor holding an old actor in his arms would lay the man on the bed. Unfortunately, because the bed had moved too fast and smacked into the...
Nov/25/2002 9:32 AM

You can't put a price on gun violence
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And you thought Solomon had it tough. Dividing a baby might seem simple compared to the task attempted by a Florida jury last week. The jury tried to determine blame in the death of a teacher gunned down by a 13-year-old student. You remember this...
Nov/18/2002 10:02 AM

Let the Games begin ... not in New York
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NEW YORK - No. No. A thousand red lights no! New York City hosting the Olympic Games? Who came up with this idea? Someone stuck in a taxi, trying to get across town? Yeah, here's what we need. More ... people! Somehow, in a runoff that makes...
Nov/11/2002 9:04 AM

Everything is a billboard, even the cops
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My ears are for sale. Left. Right. For the right price, you may have them both. Or, I should say, rent them. Your message here. On my ears. I am joining the 21st Century. I am becoming a billboard. Hey. Why should I - JUST DO IT! - miss out - FLY THE...
Nov/4/2002 2:16 PM

Nowhere to hide ... even at 40,000 feet
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Oh, please. No more. The places on Earth where you can actually find peace and quiet are already dwindling down to inches. Now this? Cell phone makers are on the verge of technology that would allow airline passengers to talk all flight long? Where's...
Oct/28/2002 10:08 AM

The pen isn't mightier than good sense
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Hang on. Let me get this straight. An NFL player, late in the game - and it's a close game, and it's "Monday Night Football" - asks the trainer for a pen, stuffs it in his sock, goes out and catches a touchdown pass, then pulls the pen out of his sock...
Oct/21/2002 9:21 AM

We turn our serial killers into celebrities
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"How could someone do that?" a friend of mine asked. "How does someone get so sick?" He was talking about the sniper who has been systematically killing innocent people in Maryland and Virginia, stalking them in their everyday acts, then shooting them..
Oct/14/2002 10:48 AM

On this issue, two sides are one too many
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Why is the average American confused about Iraq? Let me count the ways: One side says Saddam Hussein is a madman aiming for our destruction. The other side says he is a fourth-rate dictator who can barely threaten his neighbors. One side says in...
Oct/7/2002 6:03 AM

A serious look at wacky weed and suffering
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Her mornings are never that good anyhow because she wakes up with a leg that is withered from polio. Still, this morning was truly bad. She opened her eyes and saw five federal agents pointing rifles at her head. "Get your hands up!" one of them...
Sep/23/2002 9:29 AM


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