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Mitch Albom
Your search found: 222 results.

He goes to war; she fights her own
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This is a story about a job and a soldier and how one woman had to say goodbye to both. Suzette and Jerry Boler have been married 22 years. They have children and grandchildren. As a member of the National Guard, Jerry, a mechanic, recently was called..
Oct/31/2005 6:07 AM

A man, a squash and Martha Stewart
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Like a lot of guys, I don't get the whole Martha Stewart thing. To me, sheets are sheets, artichokes are artichokes, and as long as the quarterback doesn't throw any interceptions, I'm happy. Then last week, I interviewed Martha Stewart, on radio, for..
Oct/24/2005 4:07 PM

So now: Turn on, tune in, tune out
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Last week, Apple announced that, with its newest iPods, you can download TV shows. That's right. For the low, low price of just $1.99, you now can watch the most recent episodes of "Desperate Housewives," "Lost" or select other ABC programs simply by...
Oct/17/2005 6:07 AM

You can't plan for these issues
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There's an expression in boxing: "Every fighter has a plan - until he gets hit." From what I've seen in hospitals and funeral parlors, it holds true for the end-of-life debate as well. People think they have a plan for death. It may be moral, practical.
Oct/10/2005 6:07 AM

Study overlooks basic male traits
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Through the years, the sentence ``Men don't ...'' has had many endings. There was ``men don't leave'' (a movie), ``men don't eat quiche'' (a book) and ``men don't gave a damn about anything but their stupid selves'' (women I have known). However, we...
Oct/3/2005 11:58 AM

Stupid people, stupid reaction
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Sometimes a story is just a boring rock. But if you throw that rock hard enough into the water, you get a new story: the ripples. I'm afraid that's what's happened with the recent ``racial divide'' story out of Livonia, Mich. In case you missed it,...
Sep/26/2005 12:13 PM

A lifetime job too long for judges
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Anyone who has ever stood at the altar of marriage knows the heart can skip a beat at the words ``till death do you part.'' After all, who knows what might happen? Who knows how you might change in your thinking? Till death do you part is a long time,...
Sep/19/2005 10:58 AM

The poster family for New Orleans
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You are a man in a storm. The storm is rising, blowing your way. Your neighbor, Earl, is saying, "Come on, man, we can go to Detroit. We'll be safe there." Detroit, you think? You live in New Orleans. You're not going to Detroit. Besides, you've seen...
Sep/12/2005 3:54 PM

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re ALBOM-COLUMN:DE (Mitch Albom) will not move this week. --- (c) 2005, Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services. Not for publication or retransmission without permission of...
Sep/6/2005 11:23 AM

No classes until after Labor Day
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Look, I was a kid once, and I still think like a kid, so the kid in me - and the adult in me - needs to say this right now: School starts in September. Not August. Not July. Certainly not July 22, which is when certain school districts in Georgia...
Aug/29/2005 12:01 PM


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